Website Duplication & Website Transfer

Website Duplication, Website Transfer & Website Copy

If you have a website that you require duplicating, copying or transferring from another platform – we can help.

We have extensive experience in copying websites from one platform to another using tools where possible to make the process easier and quicker, but also utilising our knowledge to make your duplicated website much better than the original was.

We do this using the latest web technologies to ensure the best performance and compatibility with the latest features. Also by implementing mobile friendly, multi-device compatibility, search engine optimisation and user friendly interface enhancements – basically whatever is required to deliver the best results for your customers and website visitors.

Up to Date Website and Mobile Compatible

If you have a website that needs to be improved, either it needs to be brought up to date as it is using old web technologies or perhaps it isn’t mobile friendly or tablet compatible, we can produce a website that you’ll be very proud of.

We’ll discuss your requirements, offer suggestions and explain what we can do and how we’ll do it. We’ll keep you updated every step of the way and transform your old website into a website that is user friendly and paints you in the very best light so that people will want to do business with you.

Web design duplication for Sports Massage     Web design duplication for Sports Massage

In this example for Rebalance Sports Massage, we converted the website from BT’s original Customer Street platform to WordPress, utilising up to date technologies and full mobile friendly multi-device compatibility.

Joomla to WordPress

Joomla is a very good website platform but it can be overly complicated, difficult to maintain and unless the website is kept up to date with security updates and patches, can be a huge security risk that may lead to it being hacked.

WordPress is a much easier platform to use and we take care of all of the updates, upgrades and security patches.

Website duplication with accurate results     Website duplication with accurate results

In this example, it was a requirement to reproduce the favourite website design exactly, whilst implementing mobile compatibility and the ability for the customers to buy online with full order processing capability.

Drupal to WordPress

Drupal is another good website platform but again, it can be overly complicated when you need to be able to update your website easily and quickly to ensure that it has the most current information for your customers.

We can replicate a Drupal website as exactly as you require, or use the opportunity to revamp the design and implement much needed features and functionality to your website.

Bespoke Platform to WordPress

You may have a bespoke content management system that operates your current website, again, it would be straightforward for us to take your current website and duplicate it onto the much more powerful and flexible WordPress platform.

Website duplication for club website      Website duplication for club website

In this example, a very dated club website for Rockwatch was moved to WordPress to utilise a new ‘magazine style’ format for the club members, with online paid subscriptions, renewals and the ability to download magazines.

Static Website to WordPress

Older websites tend to be what we call ‘static websites’ in that the content isn’t easily changed without modifying the source code of the website itself with the new content. We can update your static website to WordPress so that you benefit from the ability to update it easily and quickly whenever you need.

Non-Mobile Friendly to Mobile Friendly

You may find that your existing website is not mobile friendly. We have a high success rate in converting existing website to be mobile friendly, or if it hasn’t been been updated in a while, you may prefer for a website upgrade to make it fully mobile compatible as well as bringing the site up to date in terms of performance, look and great design.

Static website not mobile compatible     Mobile compatible website

In this example, the static website was converted to WordPress, whilst utilising the latest technology to provide customer file downloads and multi-device compatibility.

Contact RAW Website Design today for Website Duplication & Website Transfer